NoCo Convos

Part of the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project

Honors Blog

What is the Honors Blog?

Freshman Honors students at Colorado State University brainstorm what Fort Collins is doing well and what it could be doing better. Their opinions, personal experiences, and academic research is here for Northern Colorado communities to read about and reflect on for a diverse and interesting take on why Fort Collins is amazing and what it could be doing better as a community.

These blogs have been edited for grammar and structure by the senior journalism students on the deliberative journalism project.

Why We Need Space

By: Elena Williams Fort Collins, Colo.- You don’t realize it throughout your day, but public spaces are a huge part of every single person’s daily routine. The park benches you sit on to drink your coffee, the sidewalks you walk on to work, even public libraries, all these places are available because they are public…

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Connecting Communities: Fort Collins’ Blueprint for Urban Trust

By: Annabelle Thomas Fort Collins, Colo.- Do you trust that if you dropped your wallet, someone in your city would return it? As it turns out, the answer to that question is an excellent indicator of whether or not your city is happy. In the book, Happy City, Montgomery explains that places where people trust…

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Driving Ourselves to Insanity

By: Lindsay Barr Fort Collins, Colo.- If you were to ask someone about the happiest time of their life, the responses might include a birth, a wedding, or maybe meeting the love of your life. What you’re never going to hear is: “Oh yeah, it’s definitely my drive to work every morning.” Of course not!…

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Main Street U.S.A or Communal Downtown: Which is Truly the “Happiest Place on Earth”?

By: Max Zenk Fort Collins, Colo.- Fort Collins, Colorado, is known nationally for its historical Old Town roots and its frequent comparison to the magical essence of Disneyland’s Main Street U.S.A.  As Coloradoan writer Erin Udell explains, Old Town, Fort Collins “…inspired the ultimate urban fantasy… frothy row of gingerbread storefronts…” when describing Old Town’s…

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Fort Collins’ Generational Preferences

By: Max Wick Fort Collins, Colo.- What do you think makes people so attached to Fort Collins? Is it Oldtown? Horsetooth? The people? As simple as it sounds, one of the most influential factors on people’s love for Fort Collins is the city layout. It is highly dependent on the person’s age as to what…

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