NoCo Convos

Part of the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project

Join the Conversation

Welcome to the Hub website for the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project, administered by the students and faculty in the JTC 420 Deliberative Journalism class at CSU. All content produced by the class will be published here, and distributed via social media channels related to the class.

The goal of the Deliberative Journalism Project is to develop story ideas that focus on issues that directly affect members of the Fort Collins and CSU communities. Working closely with community members, students will develop story ideas that shed light on relevant community issues and bring voice to unheard populations in the Fort Collins and CSU communities.

JTC420 Projects

Local Art in Fort Collins

Nestled in the heart of Colorado, Fort Collins might look like a standard college town upon first glance, but under the surface it has a vibrant hub for creativity and artistic expression. In the midst…

Leaderful NoCo

Community Leadership in Fort Collins and CSU

By: Tyler Weatherwax Fort Collins, Colo. — Durward Hall towers houses more than 500 students who attend Colorado State University. This twelve-story tower is one of the biggest structures in Fort Collins. Having a good community in a city or on a college campus is one of the most essential things that creates a welcoming…

We want to hear from you.

Now that the Northern Colorado Deliberative Journalism Project is 1 year old, we are reviewing what we have done and wondering what comes next. This is where you come in. As you look around the website and learn more about the Project, what do you want to see more of? Do you have an idea for an issue we should spend some time on, or a community member who people need to know?…